API Documentation

Security - how to access the API when it is running

There are several ways to do this.

Get an access token via the predefined client

Trackr uses OAuth so you need an access token to access the API.

Two possibilities to get an access token. Choose one and continue below.

  1. Use the admin account. This feature might be removed in future releases.
  2. You need a valid account in the database an use Google Open ID login. If you have the dev profile active, edit the file src/main/resources/import.sql. Choose a credential INSERT (not the admin one, though) and change the mail address to your gmail address.
    INSERT INTO credential (id, email, enabled, locale) VALUES (1, 'your.address@gmail.com', true, 'de');

    If you use the qs or prod profile you need to insert the employee + credential in the database you configured.

If you have chosen your option, start the server and access


You will be redirected to http://localhost:8080/login. If your option was 1) then replace /login with /admin and hit enter. Login with admin@techdev.de/techdev. If your option was 2) click "Login mit Google" and choose the account you added in 2).

Either way you should see the authorize page. Press submit and you should be redirected to


Copy the SOME_TOKEN value, it's your access token. Now you should be able to access the API like this

curl localhost:8080/api/ -H "Authorization: Bearer SOME_TOKEN"

Disable security alltogether

Note Some methods of the API don't work without security as they rely on a principal object. They will just throw a NullPointerException when you disable security. If your just interested in the Spring Data REST API, most of it should work.

  1. Edit the file de/techdev/trackr/core/SecurityWebApplicationInitializer.java Comment out the extends and the constructor.
    public class SecurityWebApplicationInitializer /*extends AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer*/ {
        public SecurityWebApplicationInitializer() {
            //super(SecurityConfiguration.class, JpaConfiguration.class, MethodSecurityConfiguration.class);
    This prohibits the Spring Security filter chain to be initalized
  2. Edit the file de/techdev/trackr/core/ApiWebApplicationInitializer.java Remove the MethodSecurityConfiguration.class from getServletConfigClasses() Add JpaConfiguration.class to getRootConfigClasses()
    public class ApiWebApplicationInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer {
        protected Class[] getRootConfigClasses() {
            return new Class[] {JpaConfiguration.class};
        protected Class[] getServletConfigClasses() {
            return new Class[] {ApiWebMvcConfiguration.class, /*MethodSecurityConfiguration.class,*/ MailConfiguration.class, ScheduledJobsConfiguration.class};
    The MethodSecurityConfiguration has an @Autowired bean that's not present and the JpaConfiguration needs to be loaded since we disabled it with the SecurityWebApplicationInitializer.

Now, when you start the application you should be able to curl the API:

curl localhost:8080/api/

Get an access token with an additional client (advanced)

Note: Like disabling security, some methods might not work with this approach since you won't have a correct principal.

The predefined client needs a browser to work and everytime you restart (at least in dev profile) you have to click through all pages again. A client with the client_credentials grant makes this a little easier.

Edit the file de/techdev/trackr/core/security/OAuth2ServerConfiguration.java and change this method:

public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
        .authorizedGrantTypes("authorization_code", "implicit")
        .scopes("read", "write")
            .scopes("read", "write")

The lines after withClient("example") are new.

Now you have an OAuth client with the client_credentials grant and can get an access token like this:

curl -u example:example localhost:8080/oauth/token\?grant_type=client_credentials

With that token you can access the API like this

curl localhost:8080/api/ -H "Authorization: Bearer SOME_TOKEN"