API Documentation

How to start the server

You need to:

  • set a spring profile
  • create a file /etc/trackr.properties or add some properties to the application.properties for your used profile (see below).

Selecting the right profile

You can set the profile as a JVM parameter for the servlet container: -Dspring.profiles.active=dev. The options are dev, qs or prod. To play around with it the dev profile is the right thing. It uses a H2 in memory database and no actual mail sending.

Setting needed properties

You need to set some properties in a configuration file. There are three options. Assume you have selected the profile PROFILE (i.e. PROFILE=dev, qs or prod)

  1. Create a file /etc/track.properties
  2. Edit your application_PROFILE.properties in src/main/resources and add
  3. Set the properties directly in your application_PROFILE.properties file.

After you have chosen what file you want to edit add the following properties:

For all profiles:

# the redirect URIs that are allowed in OAuth authorization for the client trackr-page, can be left like this
# If you run this application behind a reverse proxy set the path here
# E.g. if you map this application to http://localhost/trackr set this to trackr

For qs and prod: The passwords for the domain database and OAuth database.


Now the application should be able to start.